The daily deck builder
January 23, 2025

How to clean your Trex deck

You finally got your Trex deck! What’s next?

I’ll let you in on some helpful tips and tricks to keep your Trex deck looking brand new for years to come. This process is super easy and makes for a great excuse to get outside and enjoy some sunshine!

Here are some supplies you will want to have on hand for the best-looking deck in the neighborhood:

  • Magic erasers
  • A stiff bristled brush
  • Garden hose
  • pressure washer
  • soap
man pressure washing

Get the family outdoors

Maybe I’m biased, but getting everyone together for little projects that take some elbow grease are great character-building opportunities. Your outdoor living space is always a special place to create memories that will last a lifetime. Get all hands on deck!

  • Create memories with your loved ones
  • Keep your outdoor space looking fresh
  • Enjoy some sunshine
clean deck

Will cleaning chemicals be harmful to the environment?

I like to swap out harsh chemicals such as bleach for more organic options like lemon juice or baking soda. Go over the railings with your magic eraser and a little baking soda to buff out any mildew buildup. After the railings are scrubbed down, move onto the decking.  Typically, you want a 1:4 ratio of cleaning solution to water in your pressure washer. When you are pressure washing there are a couple things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t use a nozzle that will gauge the decking. A 15-degree nozzle works best
  • Keep a safe distance of about 10 inches between the nozzle and the decking
  • Go over each board individually to work out any dirt and grime from the wood grain pattern in the deck boards

Does this advice only apply to Trex decking?

While the advice here applies very well to Trex decking, you can apply the same tips and tricks to almost any decking out on the market. Just be sure to check manufacturer instructions for cleaning!


Cleaning up doesn’t always have to be a chore! Take this opportunity to make memories and get the kids outside for a fun activity in the sun. With a few pointers on how to clean your Trex deck, you will be right on track for the best-looking deck in the neighborhood.

men building a deck

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